Wednesday, March 24, 2010

So Long

Well, for my last entry, I would like to talk about Texans and Californians and their mannerisms.
When I first came to Texas, I was worried that I would really offend someone. In California, it is perfectly normal to walk past someone without even making eye contact. Here, though, people not only make eye contact, they smile and say “Hello,” too! After realizing this, I was worried that I might accidentally snub someone just because I was not used to paying attention to people across the street. But, as far as I know, I haven’t ignored anyone. Although, I suppose I wouldn’t know if I had.
Another clear difference for me is some aspects of speech. For example, Texans use “yes sir,” “no ma’am” much more often than Californians, which is nice, I think. It was a little strange to me at first, but I adapted. Also, of course: y’all. All my family told me I would come back saying it, but I told them I wouldn’t, and I didn’t. But it is so hard not to use it. It’s so much more convenient than “you guys” or “all of you.” I am determined to hold out though, for now. Even better than y’all, is the plural form of it: y’all’s. Two apostrophes in one word!
Anyway, this is the end of my blog entries, at least for now. I hope you have enjoyed them!

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Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Unfortunately I did not get this post in before midnight…
One of the main differences between San Antonio and my hometown is the weather. The humidity in San Antonio is oppressive, whereas humidity is almost nonexistent in Southern California. The heat is also stronger and amplified further by the humidity. There were a lot of things I noticed when I first got here that showcase the differences in the weather. For example, at home, when we open the windows in the summer, we do so to let in the breeze and cool down the house. Here, my roommate and I would open our window in the summer to make our room warmer, to let the heat in because our room was too cold. However, sometimes we would leave the window open for too long, and the humidity would take over our room. Our mirror, which is located on the opposite side of our room, would fog up like a bathroom mirror does when you take a shower (the photograph is of this phenomenon). So, our room would even be humid. Indoor humidity--a very new concept to me.
However, I was also amazed by how cold it gets in San Antonio. I thought I knew what winter clothes were. I thought I had jackets and warm clothes, but I was wrong. I froze before Christmas break and then returned in January with a heavy coat and snow boots. The snow boots might have been a little much, but, hey, they were useful.
So, although the weather is certainly more severe than it is back home, it’s also much more exciting.
